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Endoscopic transnasal approaches have been the main treatment option for most of anterior skull base and sellar diseases. Quality‑of‑life (QOL) assessment after skull base surgeries are now well appreciated and measured to improve medical and surgical care for those patients.
To assess QOL after endoscopic transnasal skull base surgery in its six main domains.
Patients and methods
This study was conducted on 20 patients who had endoscopic skull base surgery for various skull base lesions. QOL was assessed by modified short form health survey questionnaire 1 and 4 weeks postoperatively. A scoring system was adopted, and cases were divided into two group according to their overall score (worse and better groups). Comparison between the two groups was conducted to determine factors that worsen QOL results after endoscopic skull base surgery.
The overall QOL showed statistical improvement 1 month postoperatively over after 1 week. One week after operation, QOL was statistically affected by age of patient, duration of nasal pack removal, and duration of ICU admission. Postoperative pain domain is worsened by superior turbinate resection or trimming during first week.
QOL after endoscopic skull base surgeries has been associated with statistically significant improvement after 4 weeks, with significant decrease in the incidence of postoperative complications.
endonasal, quality of life, skull base.
