
Article Type



Objective: To compare the results of Sub-Mucosal Diathermy of Inferior Turbinate (SMD) versus Microdebrider-Assisted Inferior Turbinoplasty (MAIT).
Methods: A total of 70 patients with hypertrophied inferior turbinates will be included in the study. group (A) will undergo SMD. And group (B) patient will undergo MAIT.
Results: Patients in group B showed less time in surgery, better post-operative nasal symptoms while patients in group A showed better in bleeding during and after surgery.
Conclusion: The current study revealed that MAIT is better than SMD regarding time of surgery, mucociliary clearance transport time, Visual Analog Scale and post-operative rhinomanometry. However SMD is better in intra-operative bleeding and post-operative nasal pack.
Keywords: Hypertrophied Inferior Turbinates, Submucosal Diathermy, Microdebrider Assisted Inferior Turbinoplasty.
